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日期 DATE | 課 程 CLASS | 老師 TEACHER | 遞交日期 Due Date | 內容 ASSIGNMENT | 備注 REMARKS |
1/26 | Conversation | Joei Chak | 2/2 | 看看冰箱有什麼水果,用中文說“這個是一個______色的______(水果)” | |
1/26 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 2/2 | 練習說 :我鐘意______和我今日著______衣服 | |
1/19 | Mandarin | Rachel Liang | 1/26 | 練習四個聲調;說數字一到十 | |
1/19 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 1/26 | 每天早上說說今日著了什麼衣物 。例如:我今日著左T-shirt,運動鞋,短褲,etc | |
1/12 | Conversation | Joei Chak | 1/19 | 練習“這是一個紅色的蘋果” | |
1/12 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 1/19 | 練習說“布”字和“衫褲鞋襪” | |
12/8 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 12/15 | 溫習 準備考試 | |
11/24 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 12/8 | 家課(9) | |
11/17 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 11/24 | 家課(9) | |
11/10 | LA | XingYu Li | 11/17 | 堂課 (4)和 (5) | |
11/3 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 11/10 | 家課(4) | |
10/27 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 11/3 | 家課(1) | |
10/20 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 10/27 | 家課9和10 | |
10/13 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 10/20 | 家課 “日” | |
9/29 | Mandarin | Rachel Liang | 10/13 | Read "一,二,三" P9 | |
9/29 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 10/13 | Homework 6 and 7 | |
9/22 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 9/29 | Homework: Number 3 and 4 | |
9/15 | LA | Xing Yu Li | 9/22 | HW (2) | |
9/8 | LA | Xingyu Li | 9/15 | Homework (一) | |
8/18 | Mandarin | 8/25 | Learn how to read 1-10 in Mandarin | ||
4/28 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 5/5 | Study for exam | |
4/21 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 4/28 | 1. Homework sheet; 2. Study Flash cards (cloths & Family); 3. Count number 10-30, 20-1; 4. Review textbook <小豬的一天> | |
4/14 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 4/21 | 1. Count 1 to 40 and count down 30 to 1; 2. Chinese character worksheet; 3. Practice Chinese speaking w/ purple class-drawing | |
4/7 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 4/14 | 1. Listen to Youtube Vidoe (will send email for link); 2. Review Flashcards (Clothes, family member) | |
3/3 | Mandrain | 3/10 | 1. Practice "小星星" (little little star) | ||
3/3 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 3/10 | 1. Wear 校服; 2. Practice "I'm a tea pot"; 3. Homework sheet | |
2/18/24 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 2/25/24 | 1. Listen "下 山 月 牙 牛 羊"; 2. Homework; 3: Listen "Little Tea Pot"; 4. Play flip flashcard game w/ parents; 5. print picture of Family members for family tree project (head size at least 1"x1") | |
2/4/24 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 2/18/24 | 1) Listen "little tea pot"; 2) practice nursery rhythm "sleep early, wake up early, always exercise..." 3) Open your closet and use Chinese tell your parents what clothes you have. Ex. 短褲Shorts, 襪子Sock...etc | |
1/28/24 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 2/4/24 | Listen "I'm a little tea pot-Cantonese" 2-3 times a week by using this link: (聽兩,三次"我是茶壺"); | |
1/28/24 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 2/4/24 | Count backwards 25 to 1 (倒數25到1); Nursery Rhymes 5, 6(童謠 5,6) ; Conversation: Open your refrigerator and see what food or fruits you know in Chinese, say its names and colors in Chinese (打開冰箱看看裡面你有什麼食物或水果會用中文說,說出它們的中文發音和顏色) | |
1/21 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 1/28 | Reviews: 上,下,大,小,日,月,牛,羊,手,口,足,牙,山,一,二,三 | |
1/14 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 1/21 | Read the songs 1&5(讀童謠1&5):
1. 中文學校朋友多,大家拍手笑呵呵,同來學習同遊戲,同來跳舞同唱歌。
5.睡得早,起得早,常運動,身體好。 | |
11/19 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 12/3 | Study over holiday for exam; count numbers 1-25, study clock/flashcards/rainbow/ basic shapes | |
11/12 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 11/19 | HW(9)(10), Lesson one flashcards | |
11/5 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 11/12 | Worksheet | |
10/29 | LA | Koei Xu | 11/5 | Writing assignment | |
10/22 | LA | Koei Xu | HW (5) - 山; color the shapes, draw a clock, show your favorite time of the day | ||
10/15 | LA | Koei Xu | 10/22 | Count 1-15, Sing "number song 數字歌", 筆劃序Stroke book"日,月" | |
10/1 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 10/15 | HW "手" - follow the stroke order. Tell the story "交朋友" (Make friends) to parents. | |
9/17 | LA | Kun Lian Xu | 9/24 | Sing Number song to parents, try to sing 刷牙歌 (Brush teeth) first 2 sentences | |
9/10 | LA | Kun Liaa Xu | 9/17 | say "粹華書院" (Sui Wah School) , and "交朋友" (Make friends) out loud |
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