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Mandarin Language Class at

Ma'e Ma'e Elementary School


1:00 - 2:30 pm

Classroom : 32

Sui Wah School is proud to offer this exciting opportunity to the students in Ma'e Ma'e Elementary School.


Classes will meet on Wednesdays each week (except during school holidays).  Your child will enjoy 13 class sessions (19.5 hours) of learning and fun per semester!

*Minimum of 8 students per class


10 % discount will be applied to each additional child in the family


Instructors are native Chinese speakers

with experience in teaching

Mandarin to non-speakers.

Students learn a dynamic mix of daily Chinese language and culture in active classroom environments.


Students learn to speak basic terms through fun and interactive activities like songs, crafts, nursery rhymes, and games. 


Students will be taught names, ages, numbers, colors, foods, animals, body parts, family members, courtesy phrases, birthday greetings, and basic conversation.

Tuition Fees

2nd Semester

January 15, 2020 – April 22, 2020   

1st Child $220 total; 2nd Child $202 total / per semester (non-refundable)


Fees included $25 to cover room rental & electricity; $15 for teaching materials)

 (Materials including colored textbook & flash cards, audio materials)


 Please make checks payable to “Sui Wah School”



1.  Download and fill out this PDF form, submit via mail/ email:

2.  Mail  your payment to:   Sui Wah School  c/o 2909 Woodlawn Dr., Honolulu, HI 96822

Enroll Now

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